Shakepay review

Shakepay Review – Get Free Bitcoin Every Day!

If someone told you that you could download a free app that would give you Bitcoin every single day at absolutely no cost, you’d probably think they’re full of it, right?

Well that’s exactly what you can do with Shakepay! In this Shakepay review, I will go over the pros and cons of this Canadian crypto exchange, and also explain how YOU can start earning free Bitcoin daily.

What is Shakepay?

Shakepay is a crypto exchange for Canadians, meaning you can buy and sell cryptocurrency on their platform.  Once you purchase your crypto, you can either keep it there and watch the value fluctuate, or you can move it to another wallet.

What are Shakepay's fees?

One of the big bonuses of Shakepay is that it has virtually zero fees.  You can deposit Canadian dollars, buy some Bitcoin, and move that Bitcoin to a different wallet with no added fees!  When you want to sell your Bitcoin and withdraw the Canadian funds, you can do all of that for free too!

This can also be a huge bonus if you want to buy Ethereum. With the current high gas fees to transfer Ethereum, it’s nice that Shakepay is willing to cover all of them for their users.  You will need to transfer a minimum of 0.1 ETH to be able to transfer, but you can always keep buying over time until you reach that amount.

So how does Shakepay make money?

Shakepay makes their profits on the spread, which is the difference between the amount someone wants to buy a crypto for, and how much someone is selling it for.  In Shakepay’s case, their spread is a little higher than other exchanges (who would otherwise normally capture their revenues through other fees).  So while you don’t directly pay fees for services on Shakepay, $100 used to buy Bitcoin will buy a little less than it could elsewhere.

Which cryptocurrencies can I buy on Shakepay?

This is basically the only other con to the Shakepay platform, and that is that they currently only support Bitcoin and Ethereum. If you are looking to get into other alt coins, then Shakepay may not be the exchange for you.

However, if you’re a beginner investor looking to get into cryptocurrencies, then Shakepay’s simple user interface and their limitation to the top 2 cryptos in the industry could create a better experience for you.

How do I earn free Bitcoin?

This is where the name of the app comes into play, and I swear this isn’t a prank.

Every day you simply open up the Shakepay app and give it a good shake.  You’ll then see a screen similar to this:

There you go! You just earned free Bitcoin!  There’s 2 things you want to keep in mind, though:

1) The amount you earn will start off very small and will build up over time.  The longer your consecutive shaking streak, the more you’ll earn.  Currently the maximum is 1000 satoshis per day, which you reach on you 200th consecutive day.

2) To unlock the ability to earn Bitcoin through shakes, you must either be referred to the app, or refer a friend to the app.  To get started now, click on this button to use my referral link:

Signup Bonus - Receive $30 for Free.

By clicking on the referral button above, not only will you unlock the ability to earn Bitcoin through shakes, but you are also eligible to receive $30.  All you need to do is buy $100 worth of crypto and you’ll automatically be rewarded with $30!

Just keep in mind, due to the spread, if you only deposit $100, then you will likely not qualify for the bonus as your purchase price will fall a little short.  I suggest deposited a little more than $100 if you want to make sure you receive the $30 bonus.

Shakepay Visa Card

Shakepay has announced that they will be coming out with a prepaid Visa card that will reward the user with 1% cashback in the form of Bitcoin.

There aren’t a ton of details at this time, but you can sign up for the waitlist once you have created your shakepay account.

Shakepay Review - Final Thoughts

Overall, Shakepay is a very easy-to-use platform for those who want to trade Bitcoin and Ethereum. While the limited number of cryptos on the platform and the larger spreads may deter some investors, the zero fee philosophy and the ability to earn free daily Bitcoin make it great for others.

It’s obviously a matter of preference, but I’ve really enjoyed using Shakepay over the past year, and plan to continue shaking my phone every day.